
Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Tun Mahathir has explicitly described that “UMNO is now weak because of corrupt leaders who no longer fight for Malays and Islam” He went further to say that “UMNO leaders are only fighting for titles and AP’s for their sons and in laws”.

Tun Mahathir has in recent times been extremely vocal and forthright in describing the deteriorating affairs of his party, but nothing seems to change except for some weak and cursory anti corruption statements uttered by both PM Najib and his deputy recently; not aimed directly at party leaders but rather at the general public. One might asked, why is this so?

Whereas Tun Mahathir has been blunt and direct at criticizing his own party leaders, both Najib and Muhyiddin however seems to have inhibitions at doing the same. I suppose they being top leaders of the party and to openly criticize its party leadership is just like ‘stirring the hornets’ nest’ that can cause an ‘implosion’ within the party ranks.

I think, this is what Najib and Muhyiddin does not want at this critical moment where support for the party by the Malays has dwindled, and with the General Election looming, an upheaval within the party can have disastrous consequences. But from the perspective of the general public, it appears that the lessons of the last General Election have little impact upon UMNO, and statements by the leaders on the need for change seems rhetorical.

The survival of UMNO now lies solely in the hands of Najib and that of its top echelon party leaders. Time does not favour Najib anymore, and if he wants to dispel the party off its adverse image, he has to take drastic steps now to rid the party of the ‘bad hats’, and if necessary, to launch immediate police reports against those who are seriously mired in corrupt activities.

I know this is a difficult step to take, but this is the only way by which Najib can revive UMNO to its past glory; a respectable Malay party that is serious in nation building devoid of corrupt leaders and be guided by the Islamic teachings of good governance, able, fair and just leadership.

If Najib can achieve this, there is no the need for PERKASA to drum up Malay unity, no need for Ketuanan Melayu, no need for Malay rights etcetera, etcetera. It will be a natural cause for the Malays to be united once again, and with the exemplary leadership shown by the party leaders, I am sure this will also win the support of other races as well.

I and like many others believe strongly that corruption is the root cause of all evil, and this is the very reason why I have never cease to write and criticize those (especially the Malays) whom I know to be corrupt or being an accomplish to corrupt practices; and surely I have angered many in the process.

I just cannot accept and believe that the Malays can be so easily enticed into corruption, because Islam is quite explicit in its ruling concerning corruption and all people of the faith knows that the wrath of Allah is severe. It is said that those who continues to be corrupt (Muslims I mean), they no longer see it as a serious crime nor sin because their faith in the religion has weakened and is overcome by greed and the worldly pleasures. It is not too difficult to see this among the so-called Malay elite today.

And to the leaders who are corrupt, let me just say this……………that Allah wrath and punishment for your misdeeds is not felt by you alone, but by the entire people and communities within the nation. Surely you do not want your generation to suffer because of your misdeeds, and the only sensible recourse is to repent now while there is still life in you.

I leave it to the UMNO party leadership to take challenges and to heed the warning that Tun Mahathir has thrown onto them if they wish the party to survive the next election. Action now and not words is the only way to save the party from falling into oblivion.


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