
Saturday, February 11, 2012

Teknik 'Trading' Emas/Perak Yang Pasti Menguntungkan

Salam sejahtera buat semua pengunjung blog ini.

Tahukah anda KENAIKAN dan PENURUNAN harga emas dan perak berlaku berkali-kali dalam setahun?
Tahukah anda sekarang ialah waktu untuk MENJUAL EMAS?
Tahukah anda sekarang ialah waktu untuk MEMBELI PERAK?

Ada pelabur yg merasa rugi bila membeli emas atau perak walaupun mereka akan tetap untung akhirnya. Sebenarnya ada perbezaan di antara melabur dan 'trade' emas dan perak. 

Melabur hanya sekali lepas tu menunggu. Tetapi 'trade' atau jual/beli emas dan perak boleh dilakukan berkali-kali dalam setahun/sepanjang masa. 

Maknanya berkali-kalilah anda akan untung. Tetapi nak untung mesti ada ILMU. Di sinilah perlunya Strategi 5B. Apa itu 5B? 5B ialah teknik yang telah diuji dan terbukti mendatangkan keuntungan apabila 'trade' emas atau perak. 5B ialah:

- Bila Nak Beli
- Bila Nak Jual
- Berapa Banyak Nak Beli
- Berapa Banyak Nak Jual
- Bila Nak Beli Semula

Silver Have I None? (How to buy silver)

For those who want to ensure their hard-earned assets in a troubled economy, silver is a great bet. Historically, silver does great when our economy doesn't. Sure, gold gets all the glory and people jump on that bandwagon first, but silver usually beats gold in terms of percentage of gain in the end. Don't rush to gold - go silver.

"But how do I buy silver", you ask? It's easier than you think. Simply google "buying silver" + your area and you'll find a dealer nearby. You can buy silver in a few different forms such as coins, bullion or bars. Study up on it first to see which makes the most sense for you. 

Then watch the daily price online. One site you can use to do this is Reference the "New York Silver Spot" chart for the current price for buying it "on the spot". 

Whatever the spot price, remember to add about 2.5% to the price for a transaction fee. The dealer will typically need a 50% deposit for your order which will generally arrive in a week. That's it!

I expect silver to go well over $100 an ounce within the next few years (sooner, in my opinion) and with it at around $40 now, it's one of the best ways you can go to secure yourself for the next few years.

Posted by Rob at 7:16 AM

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