
Saturday, February 5, 2011

Mamak Mahathir and Najib are playing smart and cheap political game that aims to perpetuate the status quo.

An Indian Mamak will always be remembered as Mamak and not Malay. - Mahathir, you are only half baked Malay when you married a Malay lady. 

That doesn't put you in place to bark like a Pariah dog.... and for Najib, please stop this political game at once or else you will be the last UMNO PM.......

The purpose is to ensure that UMNO continues to exercise complete hegemony over the government and country. Mahathir advocates “Ketuanan Melayu” to hold onto the Malay votes and Najib’s “1Malaysia” to placate the naïve and simple-minded Chinese, Indians and other non-Malays, who continue to live in denial.

I thought I was alone with this line of thinking – until I came across this February 04, 2011 article in The Malaysian Insider. The following passages capture the essence of the divisive politics as promoted by the Mahathir-Najib axis:

“Mahathir’s rhetoric that this country belongs to the Malays i.e. others are less than equal as Malays are more equal than others, ensures Umno will endear and entrench further the “gullible” Malay support.

Mahathir’s racist rhetoric should not be viewed as merely the blustery ravings of a senile ex-Prime Minister. It is much more than an individual’s inane balderdash. I am suggesting that Mahathir is in cahoots with Najib.

Since 1969, our rights were began to be abused but had gone worse from 1981 to 2003 during pariah Mahathir govern who not only abused but also violated our rights which continues until today. There is a limit to all these , a day will come that we cannot tolerate any longer and that may lead to whats happenning to Egypt and Yemen today.

Blame it on ONE PERSON- that GREAT TUN who created this ugly monster

If the government-of-the-day has the guts to nab the evil old man now and put him behind bars (ISA?) then the leader of the government will undoubtedly become the undisputed leader of this country and respected leader regionally for a long time. The nation's problems must be nipped in the bud, their evil creator destroyed at source. Do you agree, Rosmah? Do you need help to stop the devil's supporters? Plan, get your hubby's army to be on standby, flush them out if necessary, Madam! The Nation will then turn to be more at peace with herself and a new brighter future will beckon. But do you have the guts to do the noble thing or not? Aren't leaders supposed to lead and take calculated risks at times for the good of all? Good Malaysians are loosing patience quickly with that undying evil man!

So called Malays have led stray dogs like him to come into the fold and brazenly call themselves Malays. It is ridiculous that we have all kinds of stray dogs who even write in the Utusan about being a Malay when they were not Malays per se. I think they make the Malays ashamed by their behavior. This mamak stray dog is barking and barking and barking and barking..with other Mamaks like him...that is the problem of the broad interpretation of being a Malay. All I I have to do is sunat say few magic words in front of a imam and wear a baju Melayu and shout " hidup Melayu" and I become a Malay. By a miracle the DNA changes and a Abracadabra it is assumed by pea brained thinking that I become a Malay.

Even Allah cannot stand laughing at this I think...And they take advantage by using the real bumiputras rights like the orang aslis and others to make themselves rich...this sewer mamak is a bloody stray dog....who is currently having a mad dog disease.

Mamak Mahathir would not survived for long as MIC or MCA or PAS or DAP or GERAKAN leader with this kind of mindset. Somehow, he managed to hoodwink a small but powerful yet corrupted Malays for his own benefit using UMNO.


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