
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Sambut Malam Tahun Baru 2014 !!

Kepada semua anak muda agar bangun dan lawan, Negara ini milik rakyat. Rakyat sdg dipijak dihimpit ke dinding... Kita tiada pilihan selain melawan! Kita tiada pilihan selain jalanan!! Masanya sudah tiba... 31|12|13. KUASA DI TANGAN RAKYAT!- Dataran Merdeka

To all youngsters, stands up and fight! This country belong to us, we are being crushed and pushed to the wall. We have no choice rather than fight. We have no choice rather than going to the streets. The time have come 31|12|2013 - POWER IS WITHIN THE PEOPLE! Dataran Merdeka 2014 the new year belong to all Malaysians. Down to the regime! #share


Kepada semua anak muda agar bangun dan lawan, Negara ini milik rakyat. Rakyat sdg dipijak dihimpit ke dinding... Kita tiada pilihan selain melawan! Kita tiada pilihan selain jalanan!! Masanya sudah tiba... 31|12|13. KUASA DI TANGAN RAKYAT!- Dataran Merdeka

To all youngsters, stands up and fight! This country belong to us, we are being crushed and pushed to the wall. We have no choice rather than fight. 

We have no choice rather than going to the streets. The time have come 31|12|2013 - 

 POWER IS WITHIN THE PEOPLE! Dataran Merdeka 2014 the new year belong to all Malaysians

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