
Monday, April 22, 2013


Hawkeye Jack's photo.
Is this a haunting coincidence, they say you can't escape from the karmic chain of cause and effect. The death of this two innocent person is still  unresolved and the karmic chain of cause and effect will return to haunt the perpetrators. 
These dates are no coincidence but had to appear on such a crucial day of the 13th General Election.
Teoh Beng Hock birthday is on the 20 April which is the nomination day and Altantuya's birthday on the 6 of May which is the day the final result of GE 13 will probably be known.
Such coincidence might show that the perpetrators are one and the same that had cause their death.
May God Bless their Soul.

Is this a haunting coincidence, they say you can't escape from the karmic chain of cause and effect. The death of this two innocent person is still unresolved and the karmic chain of cause and effect will return to haunt the perpetrators. 

These dates are no coincidence but had to appear on such a crucial day of the 13th General Election.

Teoh Beng Hock birthday is on the 20 April which is the nomination day and Altantuya's birthday on the 6 of May which is the day the final result of GE 13 will probably be known.

Such coincidence might show that the perpetrators are one and the same that had cause their death.
May God Bless their Soul.

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