
Sunday, December 5, 2010

Mohd Hafarizam Harun, How Stupid and Arrogant Can You Be ? - UMNO'S "MAMAK"LAWYER-CLOWN


Umno legal advisor Mohd Hafarizam Harun has suggested that the Internal Security Act (ISA) be invoked to deal with the controversy over the 'ketuanan Melayu' (Malay supremacy) remark by PKR president Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail. He described Wan Azizah's (left) remark, calling for the notion of Malay supremacy to be abandoned, which she made at the party's congress last Saturday, as a direct challenge to the provisions in the federal constitution and not a form of freedom of expression.

Mohd Hafarizam said police reports could be lodged against Wan Azizah, among others for uttering seditious remarks in questioning the rights, status, position and privileges of the Malays as enshrined in Articles 152, 153 and 181 of the federal constitution.Read here for more

Read here related article, Perak Crisis: BN Lawyer HAFARIZAM Given a Short Lesson 101 on Constitutional Law

What Malaysians Say....

Read here for more
  • Ex-UKEC:
    Now you can see the opinion of Umno lawyers. Every time they cannot counter Pakatan Rakyat's arguments with credible answers, they will call for the government to invoke the Internal Security Act (ISA).

    Unfortunately these are the people who are going to be made chief judge or attorney-general due to their allegiance to Umno.

  • Not Confused:
    This lawyer is the same one who lost the case in which a supplier of buntings and other election materials sued Umno for non-payment because he failed to turn up in court on the appointed day (how very efficient).

    The case was, of course, reversed on appeal (surprise, surprise). With lawyers like this advising a government which is bankrupt of ideas and common sense, the ruling elite is doomed to be obliterated at some point in the future.

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