
Friday, November 5, 2010

Another Sad Story For Malaysia - By Khoo Kay Peng

Implications of Galas & Batu Sapi By-Elections - FROM AROUND THE BLOGS-The defeats in Galas and Batu Sapi are indicative of the coalition weaknesses. It cannot continue to ride on the opposition weaknesses to win elections. Politics cannot be always about style but zero substance.

I have called the two by-elections a let-down and a political trap for Malaysia. Key themes continued to emerge and took centre stage at the by-elections e.g. developmental politics, race, religion and personal attack.

There are a few implications for the people:

1) The continuation of master-servant mentality. Voters especially in rural/semi rural constituencies continue to accept a false reality that their future and well-being are dependent on the political masters. There is little awareness of the role of politicians, the relationship between politicians and voters and the election process as a democratic instrument for them to measure the effectiveness of politicians. Elections and their votes are taken as something they must give politicians in exchange for services and assistance.

2) Voters continue to believe that politicians especially in the ruling regime own the nation's resources. As a result, these voters feel obligated to vote for politicians who can deliver them the economic goods e.g. grants and development.

3) Politicians continue to manipulate national resources for their own political expediency. Some politicians actually believe that their party owns the national resources and as political masters they are eligible to use these resources to extend and expand their political interests.

4) Those who are aware and wanted a political reform will continue to stare at the symptoms of systemic decay in our democratic system. There is no indication that the ruling regime is interested to reform the system and accept more responsibility. They would prefer a distorted system in order to preserve power.

There is zero indication too that the alternative coalition is ready to take a risk in a new system. It would not mind to compete with the ruling coalition on developmental politics if it has enough resources to match e.g. Galas (PAS government giving out land titles and zakat to Orang Asli). Without a political renewal there is hardly any possibility for this country to find enough political will to correct our internal weaknesses.

All parties know that our economic competitiveness is slipping, our education system is decaying, our brains are moving out and our competitors are zipping pass us. But none can come out with a solid solution to rectify the crisis.

For Pakatan:

1) The defeats in Galas and Batu Sapi are indicative of the coalition weaknesses. It cannot continue to ride on the opposition weaknesses to win elections. Politics cannot be always about style but zero substance. Apart from pompous and entertaining speeches, the coalition should start to think how it can convince Malaysians of a new dawn which is better than what the current coalition can offer. How can it win in rural areas?

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