Saturday, October 9, 2010


Greetings my esteemed friends,

The Civil Society aka The People's Power/Voice..we will be the force to decide who goes to PUTRAJAYA....not Irelevant Politicians,"War-Chiefs","Little Napoleons" or "War-Lords".Politicians come and go...the RAKYAT are the same.

The nasi-lemak,kueh-tiaw,roti canai and pub operators will still be around after the 13th General Election.But what we must ensure is that UMNO/BN will never be around after the 13th GE.

The one thing we can be sure of is,UMNO/BN will use every dirty trick to ensure they remain in power,the question is will it work,will the weaker people fall trap in their tricks?So people,what are our do we show them the exit door?

If we don't know the answers to this by now,then we're DOOMED.We need the emergence of new Leaders,and they better come out NOW.

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