Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Gejala Seks Di Kalangan Remaja Sekolah Semakin Parah ?


Remaja hilang dipercayai dirogol

KLANG - Polis mengesahkan terdapat kesan koyak pada kemaluan remaja perempuan yang menghilangkan diri bersama adiknya selama lima hari sebelum ditemui selamat di Taman Sentosa, kelmarin.

Ketua Polis Daerah Klang Selatan, Asisten Komisioner Mohamad Mat Yusop berkata, kesan koyak itu disahkan doktor Hospital Tengku Ampuan Rahimah (HTAR) di sini yang melakukan pemeriksaan kesihatan selepas dua beradik itu dijumpai.

“Kita percaya ada aktiviti seksual antara remaja itu dengan teman lelakinya sejak dia dilaporkan hilang oleh ahli keluarga.

“Kesan koyak itu dipercayai berlaku lebih 72 jam. Adiknya pula tidak mengalami sebarang kecederaan,” katanya pada sidang media di Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah Klang Selatan, semalam.

Mohamad berkata, polis kemudiannya menahan teman lelakinya, warga Myanmar, berusia 23 tahun untuk membantu siasatan.

Katanya, siasatan mendapati, kali terakhir dua beradik itu dilihat menaiki sebuah teksi berhampiran kawasan sekolah sambil ditemani suspek yang bekerja di sebuah pasar raya di sini.

Menurutnya, remaja terbabit sudah empat kali keluar bersama suspek sejak berkenalan pada 12 Disember lalu.

“Siasatan juga mendapati rakan suspek berusia 20 tahun merupakan teman lelaki kepada adik remaja berkenaan,” katanya.

Beliau berkata, suspek kini ditahan reman sehingga Selasa depan untuk siasatan mengikut Seksyen 376 Kanun Keseksaan kerana merogol.

Katanya, dua remaja tersebut masih menerima rawatan di HTAR dan akan diserahkan kepada Jabatan Kemasyarakatan untuk tindakan lanjut berikutan mereka enggan pulang ke rumah.

Dalam kejadian itu, dua beradik berusia 13 dan 15 tahun dilaporkan keluar rumah, kira-kira jam 12 tengah hari untuk ke sekolah, namun tidak pulang selepas tamat sesi persekolahan.

Mereka ditemui selamat ketika berjalan di kawasan rumah kedai di Taman Sentosa, kira-kira jam 2 petang, kelmarin.

Mereka bagaimanapun enggan pulang ke rumah dan polis sedang menjalankan siasatan untuk mengenal pasti punca sebenar kejadian. -SH

UTM survey finds secondary school teenagers with multiple sex partners

JOHOR BARU: A sex survey by Uni-versiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) has found an alarming number of sexually active secondary school students with multiple sex partners.

“We carried out the research in 2011 among 1,000 secondary school students (aged 15 to 17) in 50 schools statewide.

“About 10% admitted they had sexual intercourse and some admitted to having intercourse with multiple partners,” said UTM Education faculty lecturer Faizah Abd Ghani, who headed the research.

She added students who took part in the research also admitted practising “friends with benefits” (friends with sexual relationships without emotional attachments).

Faizah revealed this at a press conference here yesterday to introduce a self-help kit aimed at tackling the issue of casual sex among teenagers in the country.

Called Model Sayangku, the kit includes a book on how to overcome sexual needs and a log book for the youngsters to write down their progress in overcoming the issue.

The book, which took four months to complete, is based on the university's findings and uses Islamic values and verses from the Quran to teach students the importance of self-value.

Faizah said the findings also correlated to cases of baby dumping and abortions among teenagers.

“A recent report from the Islamic Development Department of Malaysia (Jakim) showed some 257,000 babies were born out of wedlock in the country from 2002 to 2012.

Their races were not stated.

“All this can be connected to sexually active teenagers,” she said.

Faizah said the research showed teenagers wanted to be in relationships due to factors including physical attraction and friendship, “Most counsellors at schools are not well-equipped to address sexual issues and we hope this kit will provide guidelines to overcome this problem,” she said, adding that all students who took part in the survey were given a copy.

Faizah said the kit had received positive feedback from the Johor Education Department and the Education Ministry.


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